Online Videos
The 20th century has witnessed a major leap in technology and communication. This is turn has affected all spheres of life including Education. The need of the 21st century learner is vastly different from the last century. The school, library and classroom is no longer confined to a specific region, location or building. The internet has transformed the world into one big classroom. Instead of the learner coming to the school, it is the school that is reaching out to the learner. This change has been adapted by most major universities and educational institutes around the world. We, at Asian College of Teachers believe that space and time should never be a restriction for anyone who is enthusiastic and motivated to learn. Education should be available and convenient to all. Online teaching is now the norm of the day.
All Asian College of Teachers Courses have online videos as a medium of learning. For those who cannot attend face to face classes should not be deprived of furthering their qualification or learning. All our course contents are complimented and supplemented by online videos. They help in a better understanding of the course content. Some of them have teachers speaking to the learner thereby replicating the classroom lecture while others are a recording of classroom preceding giving one the feel of actually attending a class.
Each phase of the course content may have multiple videos expanding on the various units of the chapter. These online videos are also available in DVD format for distance candidates who do not have online access.