Tesol Certificate Course (distance)

For long, jobs for teaching English abroad had been the domain for native English speakers alone. But using a language as a first language does not necessarily qualify one eligible for becoming a language teacher. Teaching is a skill and needs to be taught and developed. We at Asian College of Teachers have tried to offer the TEFL course to anyone who was proficient in the language and was interested in a job teaching English abroad irrespective of nationality.
The need for English teachers all over the world has been on the rise and therefore also has opened several opportunities for English teacher jobs across the globe. However the demand far outweighs the supply. Asian College of Teachers has been a pioneer as a TEFL Training organization and has trained and placed thousands of teachers all over the world since its inception. However, even we realize that the numbers of teachers that can be TEFL trained in class are very few. Not many can travel to the location or spare 3 to 4 weeks for a full time TEFL program. The process of bringing in the change in English teaching was therefore very slow. We felt a need to do something that would make both fresher’s and experienced teachers aware of how to teach English as opposed to teaching literature or grammar based classes. This would directly benefit the English language learners and satisfy the expectation of the schools from the teachers as well.
The Certificate TEFL program is one of the most convenient but effective way to acquire the skills of how to teach English. It is a comprehensive TEFL course without the constraints of time and location. The TEFL course in Distance mode of learning reaches out to all those who are residing in the most remote corner of the country or the world but are eager to further their chances of getting a job teaching English abroad or an English teacher job. More and more educational institutes are shifting to providing courses in the distance mode to students. It is in no way less effective than a face to face program. It is best suited for people who are already engaged either in a job or study and do not have the time or opportunity to participate in a regular face to face TEFL course. The TEFL course in distance mode covers all the components of a regular TEFL program. The candidate has the liberty of self study according to his/ her time and convenience. The material or content of the TEFL course is in book form and therefore can be referred to at any time and carried anywhere. The study materials will be sent via courier to the students once they make the payment. The study materials are followed by assignments, which are necessary for assessing the student's knowledge about how to teach English.
The TEFL course Distance program students are also provided with CDs and DVDs, where they can get the essence of a real classroom lecture. The study materials are divided into modules with assignments. These assignments are evaluated by out tutors. After successful completion of the course, the teachers are awarded with international teaching certificate from Asian College of Teachers.
For long, jobs for teaching English abroad had been the domain for native English speakers alone. But using a language as a first language does not necessarily qualify one eligible for becoming a language teacher. Teaching is a skill and needs to be taught and developed. We at Asian College of Teachers have tried to offer the TEFL course to anyone who was proficient in the language and was interested in a job teaching English abroad irrespective of nationality.
The need for English teachers all over the world has been on the rise and therefore also has opened several opportunities for English teacher jobs across the globe. However the demand far outweighs the supply. Asian College of Teachers has been a pioneer as a TEFL Training organization and has trained and placed thousands of teachers all over the world since its inception. However, even we realize that the numbers of teachers that can be TEFL trained in class are very few. Not many can travel to the location or spare 3 to 4 weeks for a full time TEFL program. The process of bringing in the change in English teaching was therefore very slow. We felt a need to do something that would make both fresher’s and experienced teachers aware of how to teach English as opposed to teaching literature or grammar based classes. This would directly benefit the English language learners and satisfy the expectation of the schools from the teachers as well.
The Certificate TEFL program is one of the most convenient but effective way to acquire the skills of how to teach English. It is a comprehensive TEFL course without the constraints of time and location. The TEFL course in Distance mode of learning reaches out to all those who are residing in the most remote corner of the country or the world but are eager to further their chances of getting a job teaching English abroad or an English teacher job. More and more educational institutes are shifting to providing courses in the distance mode to students. It is in no way less effective than a face to face program. It is best suited for people who are already engaged either in a job or study and do not have the time or opportunity to participate in a regular face to face TEFL course. The TEFL course in distance mode covers all the components of a regular TEFL program. The candidate has the liberty of self study according to his/ her time and convenience. The material or content of the TEFL course is in book form and therefore can be referred to at any time and carried anywhere. The study materials will be sent via courier to the students once they make the payment. The study materials are followed by assignments, which are necessary for assessing the student's knowledge about how to teach English.
The TEFL course Distance program students are also provided with CDs and DVDs, where they can get the essence of a real classroom lecture. The study materials are divided into modules with assignments. These assignments are evaluated by out tutors. After successful completion of the course, the teachers are awarded with international teaching certificate from Asian College of Teachers.
The TEFL course distance mode curriculum covers the most important components of how to teach English. The curriculum is well structured leading the reader to awareness and understanding of the basic knowledge and skills required for an English teacher job. Distance Education allows the scope for self study, research and presentation, thereby taking ownership of your own learning. Each Module in the form of booklets as study material will have a number of units. At the end of each unit there a set of MCQs which covers the key features of the unit. There is also a midterm and end of term assignment to be completed. However incase of any doubt or confusion the trainee can contact the trainer either by mail or telephone in order to facilitate the learning. The corrected assignments will be returned within 10 days from the date of receipt. The assignments are to be sent by post or courier or e-mail. The assignments will carry comments and grades and will not show any marks.
The units or assignments have no fixed time frame for completion. However the course needs to be completed in the stipulated time provided during registration. This gives the students ample time and scope to pursue a professional TEFL course in how to teach English from the convenience of the home and at a much affordable cost.
Module 1 - Introduction to TESOL
Language Acquisition
- Second Language Acquisition
- Acquisition Vs Learning
EFL teaching
- Methodologies and Approaches
- Language Learners and their levels
Module 2 - The Study of English
- The structures
- Contextualizing Grammar
- Segmental
- Supra-segmental
Teaching Vocabulary
Module 3 - Teaching Techniques (Language Skills)
Part I
- Teaching speaking
- Teaching Listening
- Teaching reading
- Teaching writing
Part II
- Context and Language Modeling
- Communicative ways
Module 4 -
Classroom Management
- The components
Disaster Management
- Mixed and large groups
Module 5 - Lesson Planning
- Guidelines
- Format
- Samples
Module 6 – Need Based language Teaching
- Business Communication
Module 7 – Teaching Young Learners
- Difference between Adults and YL
- Different orientation
- Songs, Rhymes, Stories and games
Module 8 – Text books and Materials
- Evaluating Text books
- Types and use of Materials
Teachers have been teaching English in most ESL/EFL classrooms based on what we popularly known as how to teach spoken English. But these classes have been overtly grammar based and proved to be ineffective in the long run. As Newmark said, “The teaching of grammar is neither necessary nor sufficient for learning a second language. That is not necessary is proved by the first language learners success without it and that it is not sufficient by the second language learners lack of success”. Our experience shows that most language learners have knowledge about the language but are unable to communicate proficiently in it despite years of formal conscious learning. Language is a skill and has to be used in meaningful authentic contexts in order to be acquired or retained. It is not surprising that most Foreign or second languages are learned outside the classroom when people are compelled to use the language for everyday communication. The TEFL methodology is based on this simple need. It makes language functional.
The TEFL course in Distance learning mode by Asian College of Teachers is based on Communicative Language teaching and the theories of Second Language Acquisition. The TEFL methodology is all about replicating the natural progression of language learning.
Some of the major components of our TEFL methodology are:
- Teaching Listening and speaking skills based on activities in English instead of Rote memorization of unrelated dialogues.
- Teaching reading based on specific principles
- Using authentic and meaning language for real situations.
- Selection of authentic material according to the students’ interest.
- Focus on writing as a process rather than a product
- Using music and theatre as essential ways to teach language
- Emphasis is also on group work and peer evaluation instead of only teacher assessment.
- Well planned and graded lesson plans.
The TEFL course in Distance learning mode by Asian College of Teachers is of 120 hours. A 120 hour TESOL/ TEFL certificate is mandatory for teachers who are willing to teach English as a profession. Most of the schools for English teacher job require 120 hours of TESOL training certificate from the teachers.
The maximum period given to the teachers for completing the 120 hour TEFL certificate course is 4-5 months. Someone may wish to complete the course slightly earlier but we do advice candidates not to rush through the TEFL course as it will hinder their understanding and assimilation of the course content. The time frame for completion of each unit or each module is not fixed. It is up to the learner to allot time for study, reflection and assignment. However keeping in mind that sometimes unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances can delay even the best laid out plans we do allow grace period in certain cases. However the candidate has to intimate the course coordinator in advance about the delay. All decisions regarding the same rest with the course administration.
Distance TEFL Certificate course fee is just Rs 17,000 +18% GST. No extra logistics charges are applied for dispatching materials or certificates within India.
There are no hidden costs in our course fee.
The TEFL certificate is one of the most sought after qualification by teaching professionals across the world. In fact for Jobs teaching English abroad and English teacher jobs the TEFL course has become a prerequisite qualification. The value of the TEFL certificate is immense. Teachers with many years of teaching experience and with other teacher training qualifications also feel the need to be TEFL qualified to add value to their skills and strive for better English teaching job opportunities. It also gives fresher into this field a foothold in the teaching world. Active teachers also benefit from having this certificate.
Asian College of Teachers and quality teacher training have been synonymous. We have trained thousand of teachers who are carrying the ACT flag high. Our endeavor has always been to provide international standardized TEFL course to our teachers. The certificate awarded by Asian College of Teachers is accepted across the world. The certificate is accredited by schools and institute all across the globe. It is perfect for ESL teachers who are seriously looking at a second language English teaching career abroad or anyone interested to get into the teaching domain. The certificate is accredited and acknowledged by a number of reputed academic organizations.
The TEFL Certificate awarded by American TESOL Institute is a perfect opportunity to make your dream of finding a job teaching English abroad come true. The 120 hours TESOL certificate is awarded to the students on completion of the course. The certificate enables teachers to teach English in any part of the world. The certificate is usually couriered to the teachers at the end of the course. The candidates can also collect their certificate from our center if it is more convenient for them. A reference letter with the certificate on request regarding your performance during the course is also provided if required by the recruiter.
- Certificates are accrediated by TESOL Canada
- Option to seat for TESOL Canada Board Exam
- Certificate can be Notarized, Apostille, Attested by Embassy of India in Ottawa or Washington
- Certificates can be signed and sealed by UAE Embassy in USA or Canada
- Certificates can be authenticated by Canada -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Certificates can be authenticated by USA - department of Foreign Affairs