Who should attend?

TESOL is open for a graduate in any discipline who has a passion for teaching with near-native English accuracy. It is ideal for all those who aspire for a job teaching English abroad.

TEFL and TESOL has no age barrier and has equal opportunities for a fresh graduate as well as a person who has retired from active service and looking for a meaningful career option that is satisfying both monetarily as well professionally.

Over the years TESOL has attracted a large number of mid level executives who are looking for a mid-life career change that is a far cry from the cut-throat corporate competition. They have been drawn towards the teach and travel tagline and the opportunity to be associated with a job teaching English.

TEFL can be a vocation for an active teacher as it takes him to places both exotic and exciting. It is a change from teaching English to teaching English with a passion.

TESOL opens up careers in educational institutions as language teachers in English. TEFL course India has alumni databases who are employed all over the world in schools, colleges and universities. Apart from being absorbed as the teaching faculty, there are opportunities as soft skill trainers, voice and accent trainers, teaching Business English in corporate houses among others.

It is an adventure for a person who is stepping into teaching English for the first time, and for a person who feels his life and career has come to a standstill it brings a change in of scene. A TEFL course transforms life – one way or the other.

TESOL opens up a whole new world of opportunities – one can be a teacher, coach, trainer and mentor. It can take you places across the globe and gives an opportunity to change lives.

A person who has a passion for teaching will find that TESOL provides an aim and vocation that is truly enriching – earning a livelihood, doing what one loves to do! A rare combination of work being a pleasure and having the pleasure of working meaningfully.