Teaching English Phonetics (Online / Distance mode of learning)
Phonetics is defined as "The branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description, and representation by written symbols." Therefore, phonetics is the understanding of the way syllables and words are pronounced in various languages all over the world.
It is widely recognized and accepted today that in order to further professional, educational or even social interests, it is necessary for one to be able to communicate in the global language of English. Hence, education of English is incorporated in most schools, colleges, education institutes and also at times in corporations even in most non-English speaking nations.
Teachers of ESL (English as a Secondary Language) or EFL (English as Foreign Language) would do well to go through a Teaching Phonetics Course before taking up the enormous task of teaching an alien language. This course helps them to understand and know the correct pronunciation of consonants and vowels, which are the building blocks of English language and the science of speech sounds, their production by means of lips, tongue, palate, and vocal chords, their acoustic qualities, their combination into syllables and other sound groups, and finally quantity, stress and intonation.
In earlier days, phonetics was taught by a process of correction through repetitive imitation. A teacher would point out a student's erroneous way of pronouncing a word and then say out loud the word in the correct fashion and expect the student to repeat it many times over until the student grasps the concept and the proper pronunciation of the word. This is both a lengthy, boring and a tiresome method. A phonetics course helps a teacher to understand the root cause of the mis-pronunciation like probable mis-direction of tongue and promptly and efficiently, correct it in a student, thereby, making the procedure faster and more efficient.
A Teaching Phonetics Course is important for all teachers of foreign languages whether they are teaching young learners or adults. The teachers in this course, learn the technique of developing the correct articulation of a foreign language after overcoming the mother tongue influence. This course is also useful for Soft skill trainers and dumb and deaf teachers.
Course Content
Phase 1
- What is Phonology and Phonetics?
- Segmental and Supra segmental Phonology
Phase 2
- Organs of Speech
- Consonants
- Vowels
Phase 3
- Phonetic Transcription
- Stress and intonation
Phase 4
- Weak and strong forms
- Why teach pronunciation?
Course Fee
Teaching English Phonology course is priced at just Rs8000 + 18% GST. For both online and distance learning mode, the candidates needs to pay the same amount. There is no other cost involved for this course. Service tax, VAT and certificate/ material dispatch fee is included in the course fee.