Teaching Grammar course

In the early part of the 20th century written language was considered to be superior and the spoken language as an inferior form. Therefore the teaching of language had the sole purpose of translating the classics in the target language. This approach led to a heavy leaning on the knowledge of grammar. Unfortunately this concept has still remained in many parts of the language classroom all over the world. Many so called spoken English classes offer no scope for speaking the language but focus on teaching grammar. As a result the learners have a fair degree of Meta language but are unable to communicate in the target language. Grammar is language itself. We cannot separate one from the other. However in the traditional classroom grammar is treated as a separate water tight compartment. This de-motivates learners and makes language learning an overwhelming experience for them.
Grammar sometimes not only over whelms the learners but also the teachers. Sometimes after taking up job teaching English the teacher realizes that he or she has to teach grammar or is expected to have a fair knowledge of it.
It is important to understand and note that Teachers have to have language awareness. They need to know what they are teaching or serving up to the students. They need to know grammar in order to gauge the inter language stage that their learners are at. They need to know grammar in order to know which area needs more attention. And most importantly they need to know grammar to contextualize it for their students. The ability to use the language is sufficient for using English as a social skill but to be effective in jobs for English teachers they need to have knowledge of the Meta language. Every language has an intricate structure which is complicated and therefore, difficult to grasp. This structure is known as grammar. The learning of the four basic language skills which are namely listening, speaking, reading and writing depend on the understanding and usage of proper grammar of a language. Hence, all language teachers must go through a Teaching Grammar Course before they take up the enormous task of teaching a foreign language.
Asian College of Teachers’ Grammar course tries to simplify the basics of English grammar for English teacher jobs. Most people get into jobs teaching English abroad because they are proficient in the language but are not aware of the technicalities or grammar of the language system. Asian College of Teachers for the benefit of language teachers have introduced a 40 hours Teaching Grammar Course. This course will not only be beneficial for teachers with low confidence regarding grammar but will also help active teachers to refresh their Meta language knowledge level. The course is offered in both online and Distance form. This makes it easy for anyone engaged in teaching already to quickly upgrade their knowledge of the subject before it becomes an area of worry for the teacher and as well as the school.
In the early part of the 20th century written language was considered to be superior and the spoken language as an inferior form. Therefore the teaching of language had the sole purpose of translating the classics in the target language. This approach led to a heavy leaning on the knowledge of grammar. Unfortunately this concept has still remained in many parts of the language classroom all over the world. Many so called spoken English classes offer no scope for speaking the language but focus on teaching grammar. As a result the learners have a fair degree of meta language but are unable to communicate in the target language. Grammar is language itself. We cannot separate one from the other. However in the traditional classroom grammar is treated as a separate water tight compartment. This de-motivates learners and makes language learning an overwhelming experience for them.
Grammar sometimes not only over whelms the learners but also the teachers. Sometimes after taking up job teaching English the teacher realizes that he or she has to teach grammar or is expected to have a fair knowledge of it.
It is important to understand and note that Teachers have to have language awareness. They need to know what they are teaching or serving up to the students. They need to know grammar in order to gauge the inter language stage that their learners are at. They need to know grammar in order to know which area needs more attention. And most importantly they need to know grammar to contextualize it for their students. The ability to use the language is sufficient for using English as a social skill but to be effective in jobs for English teachers they need to have a knowledge of the meta language. Every language has an intricate structure which is complicated and therefore, difficult to grasp. This structure is known as grammar. The learning of the four basic language skills which are namely listening, speaking, reading and writing depend on the understanding and usage of proper grammar of a language. Hence, all language teachers must go through a Teaching Grammar Course before they take up the enormous task of teaching a foreign language.
The Asian College of Teachers’ Grammar course tries to simplify the basics of English grammar for English teacher jobs. Most people get into jobs teaching English abroad because they are proficient in the language but are not aware of the technicalities or grammar of the language system. Asian College of Teachers for the benefit of language teachers have introduced a 40 hours Teaching Grammar Course. This course will not only be beneficial for teachers with low confidence regarding grammar but will also help active teachers to refresh their meta language knowledge level. The course is offered in both online and Distance form. This makes it easy for anyone engaged in teaching already to quickly upgrade their knowledge of the subject before it becomes an area of worry for the teacher and as well as the school.
The Teaching Grammar course has four phases and covers the principles of teaching grammar, word classes, tense and time and most importantly how to present or teach grammar to the learners in context. The course is divided into 4 phases and each phase is followed with MCQ assignment to gauge understanding. At the end of the 4 phases there is a final assignment. Online candidates will get access to the course contents online and will complete their assignments online too. The final assignment however will have to be sent as a word file attachment via email for evaluation. The distance candidates will receive their study material in hard copy. They will complete all the assignments together and send by post for evaluation. However if required they can send their assignment via email too.
Course Modules
Phase 1
- What is grammar
- The importance of teaching Grammar
- Principles of teaching grammar
- Types of grammar
Phase 2
- Word Classes
- Different kinds of noun
- Adjectives
- Verb and types of verbs
- Adverb
- Determiners
- Preposition and its uses
- Conjunction
- Clauses and Phrases
Phase 3
- Auxiliary verbs and Modal verbs
- Functions of the English auxiliary verbs
- Modals
Phase 4
- Contextualization of grammar
- Steps in presenting grammar in context
- Activities that make grammar learning fun and meaningful
- Tenses
- Conditionals
- Making grammar fun
Our endeavor at Asian College of Teachers has always been to offer professional development courses to teachers at affordable and convenient format. We realize the constraints of time and funds for most professionals and therefore offer this Teaching Grammar course with an international certificate in both distance and online options at an affordable course fee of Rs 8,000/- INR (online and distance) only. A minimum shipment fee of 25 USD is charged from the candidates who stay outside India.
+18% GST
175 USD | 120 GBP | 8000 INR | 5000 THB |
* Service taxes as applicable
- Certificates are accrediated by TESOL Canada
- Option to seat for TESOL Canada Board Exam
- Certificate can be Notarized, Apostille, Attested by Embassy of India in Ottawa or Washington
- Certificates can be signed and sealed by UAE Embassy in USA or Canada
- Certificates can be authenticated by Canada -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Certificates can be authenticated by USA - department of Foreign Affairs