Business English Teachers Training Course

The need to learn English has been growing for the past couple of decades. It is a global language, the language of commerce and the internet. The fact that the world has moved closer and there is more movement of people from different regional, cultural and ethnic background, the need to have a language of communication is of prime importance. English fortunately has acquired that status. It is no longer a need only for people who go to study in native English countries to know the language. Even people residing in their own region need a common language of communication. In a country like India which is multi lingual English does bind the nation together. English in India has high currency value. Irrespective of one’s qualification the ability to communicate fluently in English is one of the main considerations for employers. Therefore the language of communication in the corporate world is English and hence the need to train man power in it is also the need of the hour. The demand for soft skill and language trainers in the business world has been on the rise.
The Business English course both in Distance and online mode of learning from Asian College of Teachers equips one with all the necessary skills required to be a BE trainer. The ability to speak English well and business experience alone does not make one an efficient BE trainer. One needs to know the skills, methodology and technique involved in BE training. It is a specialized area of language training and thereby the context of learning has to be understood, analyzed and implemented. BE training is time bound and result oriented. Therefore teachers or trainers handling BE classes must know how to approach the group, identify their needs, design curriculum and evaluate the training resulting in some profitable outcome. They are answerable and accountable to the company that invests in this training.
Asian College of Teachers Business English teachers training program ensures that the trainer acquires the necessary skills to be an effective teacher in the business training context. It covers all the techniques and approaches along with developing the trainer’s personality to suit the role of a trainer.
Aspirants in this course learn the psychology of professionals and the method of instruction best suitable for a workplace. Teaching a new language to adults is never an easy task and teaching Business English demands even more skills because it is a specific form of English which stresses a lot more on reading, speaking and listening skills required for various business purposes. Business English teachers are expected to fulfill the requirements and bring about the desired levels of improvement in the employees' English communication skills in a limited period of time. This course helps prepare teachers to achieve all of this in a given timeframe.
Business English Teachers Training Course is not only beneficial and important for Business English teachers but also for different other trainers training in a corporate environment and other professionals and managers with training responsibilities. Professional associated with training in business houses are often expected to improve the inter-personal skills of employees while carrying out their core training responsibilities and thus, they find this course really beneficial.
The need to learn English has been growing for the past couple of decades. It is a global language, the language of commerce and the internet. The fact that the world has moved closer and there is more movement of people from different regional, cultural and ethnic background, the need to have a language of communication is of prime importance. English fortunately has acquired that status. It is no longer a need only for people who go to study in native English countries to know the language. Even people residing in their own region need a common language of communication. In a country like India which is multi lingual English does bind the nation together. English in India has high currency value. Irrespective of one’s qualification the ability to communicate fluently in English is one of the main considerations for employers. Therefore the language of communication in the corporate world is English and hence the need to train man power in it is also the need of the hour. The demand for soft skill and language trainers in the business world has been on the rise.
The Business English course both in distance and online mode of learning from Asian College of Teachers equips one with all the necessary skills required to be a BE trainer. The ability to speak English well and business experience alone does not make one an efficient BE trainer. One needs to know the skills, methodology and technique involved in BE training. It is a specialized area of language training and thereby the context of learning has to be understood, analyzed and implemented. BE training is time bound and result oriented. Therefore teachers or trainers handling BE classes must know how to approach the group, identify their needs, design curriculum and evaluate the training resulting in some profitable outcome. They are answerable and accountable to the company that invests in this training.
The Asian College of Teachers Business English teachers training program ensures that the trainer acquires the necessary skills to be an effective teacher in the business training context. It covers all the techniques and approaches along with developing the trainers’ personality to suit the role of a trainer.
Aspirants in this course learn the psychology of professionals and the method of instruction best suitable for a workplace. Teaching a new language to adults is never an easy task and teaching Business English demands even more skills because it is a specific form of English which stresses a lot more on reading, speaking and listening skills required for various business purposes. Business English teachers are expected to fulfill the requirements and bring about the desired levels of improvement in the employees' English communication skills in a limited period of time. This course helps prepare teachers to achieve all of this in a given timeframe.
Business English Teachers Training Course is not only beneficial and important for Business English teachers but also for different other trainers training in a corporate environment and other professionals and managers with training responsibilities. Professional associated with training in business houses are often expected to improve the inter-personal skills of employees while carrying out their core training responsibilities and thus, they find this course really beneficial.
The Business English Teachers Training course is offered in both online and distance mode of learning. The content is divided into 8 modules or phases. The modules or phases are followed by MCQ assignments to gauge understanding of the phase/ module. Furthermore there is a midterm and term end assignment. The assignments are sent for evaluation. The course covers the essential components of this ESP program.
However incase of any doubt or confusion the trainee can contact the trainer either by mail or telephone in order to facilitate the learning. The corrected assignments will be returned within 10 days from the date of receipt. The assignments are to be sent in word file as an attachment in the mail for online candidates and by post by distance candidates. The assignments will carry comments and grades and will not show any marks.
The phases/ modules or assignments have no fixed time frame for completion. However the course needs to be completed in the stipulated time provided during registration. This gives the students ample time and scope to pursue a professional BETT course in how to teach Business English from the convenience of the home and at a much affordable cost.
PHASE 1: Introduction to Business English – features and components
- The Learner
- The teaching context
- The trainer
- The language
- Communication techniques
- Communicative Language teaching
PHASE 2: Need Analysis
- Need analysis - categories and modes
- Decision Making
- Communication needs
- Business needs
PHASE 3: Course Design
- Setting objectives
- Syllabus components
- Designing
- Implementing
- Setting up their independent ongoing learning plan
- Managing the logistics
The Client Approach
- Introduction - Adult, personal and professional
- Present yourself professionally -differing "roles" for the teacher – e.g. coach, consultant facilitator
- Methods of empowering learners
Midterm assignment
PHASE 5: Feedback and Evaluation
- Different types
- Assessing the trainees
PHASE 6: Classroom Management
- Creating rapport – sensitivity to needs
- Modeling instructions
- Creating interactive activity
- Varying activities
- Being a facilitator
PHASE 7: Teaching Business Speaking
- Business communication related to socialization
- Skill practice variants - the different methods
PHASE 8: Teaching Business Writing
- Technicalities of Business Writing
- The basic business writing - types and approaches to training writing
It has always been out endeavor to offer affordable and easily doable courses for people who are desirous of furthering their learning. Sometimes even self motivated people lose out on the opportunity to study due to lack of time, distance of study centers, other commitments and availability of funds. Our BETT course addresses all these hindrances and makes it possible for anyone who wants to have an international professional qualification in Business English.
Business English Teacher Training is available at an affordable price of 10000/- INR +18% GST (online and distance). The BETT course is offered by ACT in both online and distance learning mode. The course fee remains same for both the modes. However, the candidates will have to pay extra for material dispatch and certificate dispatch if they stay outside India.
200 USD | 150 GBP | 10000 INR | 6500 THB |
* Service taxes as applicable
- Certificates are accrediated by TESOL Canada
- Option to seat for TESOL Canada Board Exam
- Certificate can be Notarized, Apostille, Attested by Embassy of India in Ottawa or Washington
- Certificates can be signed and sealed by UAE Embassy in USA or Canada
- Certificates can be authenticated by Canada -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Certificates can be authenticated by USA - department of Foreign Affairs