Teaching Phonetics Course

Each language has its own unique sound system. The ability to use this sound system effectively leads to proper communication and the inability leads to a breakdown in communication. It is just not what is being said that leads to understanding but are ability to distinguish how something is being said. As E.M Foster says in ‘A Passage to India’: “A pause in the wrong place, an intonation misunderstood…………………….and the whole conversation went awry.” Most often than not there is a gap in communication between what the native speaker is trying to say and what the non native speaker thinks he is trying to say.
Most language learners come to class with the desire to speak like a native speaker. English as a language has its own rhythm, intonation, tine and pitch and all these lead to understanding of what is being communicated. These are language cues that listeners must be aware of. Apart from this English is a stress timed language therefore being aware of the stress system is also important to be a good communicator in the language.
For students sometimes the teacher is the only source of the target language. Especially for jobs teaching English abroad your classroom and you would be the main source of the language. In such a scenario it is very important that the teacher is a model for the language. The students will hear and speak the language as they hear it from the teacher. Therefore the teacher’s near native language level is highly desirable.
Phonetics as a subject is hardly taught to teachers or in schools but it is imperative that teachers are aware of this area of study not only to improve their own language skill but also in order to help their students overcome speaking difficulties.
The Asian College of Teachers’ Teaching Phonetics Course gives both the in experienced and experienced teacher an over view of the subject area along with helps them to understand and know the correct pronunciation of consonants and vowels, which are the building blocks of English language and the science of speech sounds, the speech organs, their acoustic qualities, their combination into syllables and other sound groups, and finally syllables, stress and intonation. A Teaching Phonetics Course is important for all teachers of foreign languages whether they are teaching young learners or adults. The teachers will learn the technique to develop correct articulation of a foreign language this course is also useful for Soft skill trainers and anyone who uses English as a medium of communication.
Each language has its own unique sound system. The ability to use this sound system effectively leads to proper communication and the inability leads to a breakdown in communication. It is just not what is being said that leads to understanding but are ability to distinguish how something is being said. As E.M Foster says in ‘A Passage to India’: “A pause in the wrong place, an intonation misunderstood…………………….and the whole conversation went awry.” Most often than not there is a gap in communication between what the native speaker is trying to say and what the non native speaker thinks he is trying to say.
Most language learners come to class with the desire to speak like a native speaker. English as a language has its own rhythm, intonation, tine and pitch and all these lead to understanding of what is being communicated. These are language cues that listeners must be aware of. Apart from this English is a stress timed language therefore being aware of the stress system is also important to be a good communicator in the language.
For students sometimes the teacher is the only source of the target language. Especially for jobs teaching English abroad your classroom and you would be the main source of the language. In such a scenario it is very important that the teacher is a model for the language. The students will hear and speak the language as they hear it from the teacher. Therefore the teacher’s near native language level is highly desirable.
Phonetics as a subject is hardly taught to teachers or in schools but it is imperative that teachers are aware of this area of study not only to improve their own language skill but also in order to help their students overcome speaking difficulties.
The Asian College of Teachers’ Teaching Phonetics Course gives both the in experienced and experienced teacher an over view of the subject area along with helps them to understand and know the correct pronunciation of consonants and vowels, which are the building blocks of English language and the science of speech sounds, the speech organs, their acoustic qualities, their combination into syllables and other sound groups, and finally syllables, stress and intonation. A Teaching Phonetics Course is important for all teachers of foreign languages whether they are teaching young learners or adults. The teachers will learn the technique to develop correct articulation of a foreign language this course is also useful for Soft skill trainers and anyone who uses English as a medium of communication.
The Teaching Phonetics course has four phases and covers components of phonology, manner and place of articulation, phonemes and minimal pairs and most importantly stress and intonation in words and sentences. The course is divided into 4 phases and each phase is followed with MCQ assignment to gauge understanding. At the end of the 4 phases there is a final assignment. Online candidates will get access to the course contents online and will complete their assignments online too. The final assignment however will have to be sent as a word file attachment via email for evaluation. The distance candidates will receive their study material in hard copy. They will complete all the assignments together and send by post for evaluation. However if required they can send their assignment via email too.
Phase 1
- What is Phonology and Phonetics?
- Segmental and Supra segmental Phonology
Phase 2
- Organs of Speech
- Consonants
- Vowels
Phase 3
- Phonetic Transcription
- Stress and intonation
Phase 4
- Weak and strong forms
- Why teach pronunciation?
Our endeavor at Asian College of Teachers has always been to offer professional development courses to teachers at affordable and convenient format. We realize the constraints of time and funds for most professionals and therefore offer this Teaching Phonetics course with an international certificate in both distance and online options at an affordable course fee of Rs 8,000/- INR (online and distance) only. A minimum shipment fee of 25 USD is charged from the candidates who stay outside India.
+ 18% GST
175 USD | 120 GBP | 8000 INR | 5000 THB |
* Service taxes as applicable
- Certificates are accrediated by TESOL Canada
- Option to seat for TESOL Canada Board Exam
- Certificate can be Notarized, Apostille, Attested by Embassy of India in Ottawa or Washington
- Certificates can be signed and sealed by UAE Embassy in USA or Canada
- Certificates can be authenticated by Canada -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Certificates can be authenticated by USA - department of Foreign Affairs