Young Learners Teachers Training Course

Asian College of Teachers is one of the premier TESOL/TEFL course providers. We have trained and placed hundreds of teachers all over the world. Education is a dynamic process and our constant endeavor has been to keep pace with the changing needs of the learning teaching system. The demand for TEFL trained teachers in the young learner section has grown over the years. The best jobs teaching English abroad in the recent years have been for teaching young learners. There is a difference in teaching teenagers, adults and young learners. Teachers have to be aware of how young learners learn, what are the language development stages, what are their cognitive, psychological, social and physical development stages? More than the content insight into the learning process is more important.
A teacher without specific training in handling young learners can be easily overwhelmed. A large class with young high energy learners can be a difficult proposition even with some experienced teachers. One must know what interest and motivates young learners and how to present content and material to them to keep them engaged. Without knowing how young minds work it is very difficult to make teaching effective. The Young learners’ teacher training course gives the teachers the relevant skills oriented towards the elementary learners.
The Online TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course is conducted by a team of highly qualified online tutors. Upon payment for the course, each candidate is provided with a username and a password and can access the online content and pursue them at his or her own convenience. This course is well supported by videos to provide a feel of classroom studying to the trainees. The online tutors guide all the trainees throughout the course. The candidates can chat or mail the online tutors in case of any doubt or clarification.
For the Distance Mode, the candidates will be sent a book with assignments in them. They can mail or send the assignments by post to our tutors for evaluation.
Asian College of Teachers charges a nominal fee of 10000/- INR + 18% GST for TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course.
The Online and Distance TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course has gained immense popularity in recent times due to the high demand for trained ESL teachers especially in the non-English speaking nations. In the age of globalization where English is the global lingua franca, it is imperative that people learn to communicate in the English language to further their professional and personal interests. Most schools in non-English speaking nations teach English as a part of their curriculum to prepare the next generation as best as possible. Hence, this course provides huge English teaching job opportunities for aspiring ESL teachers.
Asian College of Teachers is one of the premier TESOL/TEFL course providers. We have trained and placed hundreds of teachers all over the world. Education is a dynamic process and our constant endeavor has been to keep pace with the changing needs of the learning teaching system. The demand for TEFL trained teachers in the young learner section has grown over the years. The best jobs teaching English abroad in the recent years have been for teaching young learners. There is a difference in teaching teenagers, adults and young learners. Teachers have to be aware of how young learners learn, what are the language development stages, what are their cognitive, psychological, social and physical development stages? More than the content insight into the learning process is more important.
A teacher without specific training in handling young learners can be easily overwhelmed. A large class with young high energy learners can be a difficult proposition even with some experienced teachers. One must know what interest and motivates young learners and how to present content and material to them to keep them engaged. Without knowing how young minds work it is very difficult to make teaching effective. The Young learners’ teacher training course gives the teachers the relevant skills oriented towards the elementary learners.
The Online TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course is conducted by a team of highly qualified online tutors. Upon payment for the course, each candidate is provided with a username and a password and can access the online content and pursue them at his or her own convenience. This course is well supported by videos to provide a feel of classroom studying to the trainees. The online tutors guide all the trainees throughout the course. The candidates can chat or mail the online tutors in case of any doubt or clarification.
For the Distance Mode, the candidates will be sent a book with assignments in them. They can mail or send the assignments by post to our tutors for evaluation.
Asian College of Teachers charges a nominal fee of 10000/- INR + 18% GST for TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course.
The Online and Distance TEFL Young Learners Teachers Training Course has gained immense popularity in recent times due to the high demand for trained ESL teachers especially in the non-English speaking nations. In the age of globalization where English is the global lingua franca, it is imperative that people learn to communicate in the English language to further their professional and personal interests. Most schools in non-English speaking nations teach English as a part of their curriculum to prepare the next generation as best as possible. Hence, this course provides huge English teaching job opportunities for aspiring ESL teachers.
The curriculum for the Young learners’ teacher training course is designed keeping in mind the needs, interests and attitudes of young learners. The Young Learner Teacher training program covers educational philosophies, early childhood education principles, child psychology and the skills of language to name a few. It also deals with classroom management techniques for young learners because that is an area that baffles teachers. Young learners are sensorial learners with short attention span therefore it is imperative that teachers know how to keep them engaged motivated and yet learning at the same time.
The course outline is as follows:
Language learning and language acquisition
- The Hypothesis
- The Difference between learning and acquisition
- Assignment
How do children learn English
- Practical approaches to teaching children
- The levels
- Language Development and context
- Assignment
Teaching Listening
- The importance of listening in the classroom
- Listening activities
- Self - Assignment
Teaching Speaking
- Speaking in the classroom
- Student talk
- Introducing language
- Activities
- Self – Assignment
Teaching Reading
- Approaches to reading
- Building confidence
- Different Material
- Assignment
Teaching Writing
- Pre writing tasks
- Activities
- Some more ideas
- Assignment
Phase 3:
How to handle mixed groups
- Mixed groups
- Helpful strategies
- Group work
- Activities
- Assignment
Class Management
- The teacher
- The room
- Rules
- Working in groups
- Self-Assignment – not to be submitted
Lesson Planning
- The need to plan
- Different ways of planning
- The framework
- When things go wrong
- Assignment
Phase 4:
Materials in the classroom
- Things to make
- Things to buy
- Assignment
Stories, games, songs, chants
- How to use stories
- Games – some ideas
- The importance of songs and chants
- Self-Assignments – not to be submitted
Phase 5:
Correction techniques
- Look at error differently
- Ways of error correction
- Assignment
Evaluation techniques
- The meaning
- Purpose
- Formative assessment
- The continuous system
- Assignment
It has always been out endeavor to offer affordable and easily doable courses for people who are desirous of furthering their learning. Sometimes even self motivated people lose out on the opportunity to study due to lack of time, distance of study centers, other commitments and availability of funds. Our Young Learners’ Teacher Training course addresses all these hindrances and makes it possible for anyone who wants to have an international professional qualification in Business English.
Young Learners Teacher Training is available at an affordable price of 10,000/- INR +18% GST (online and distance). The TEYL course is offered by ACT in both online and distance learning mode. The course fee remains same for both the modes. However, the candidates will have to pay extra for material dispatch and certificate dispatch if they stay outside India.
200 USD | 150 GBP | 10000 INR | 6500 THB |
* Service taxes as applicable
- Certificates are accrediated by TESOL Canada
- Option to seat for TESOL Canada Board Exam
- Certificate can be Notarized, Apostille, Attested by Embassy of India in Ottawa or Washington
- Certificates can be signed and sealed by UAE Embassy in USA or Canada
- Certificates can be authenticated by Canada -Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Certificates can be authenticated by USA - department of Foreign Affairs